- March 12, Ocean Park Library, Surrey, BC, "Authors Among Us Program" at 6:30 - 8:30. All are welcome.
- January 31, SFU Publishing:450, Guest Speaker
- 2018 Above
- August 18, Isha L'Isha Book Club, WAVES in Steveston, BC, 10 am. All are welcome
- June 20, Richmond Public Library, Richmond, BC. Reading 7pm
- April 29, Book Warehouse, Main Street, Vancouver. Reading 3pm-5pm
- April 29, Black Bond Books, Maple Ridge, Reading 12:30pm-1:30pm
- April 5, Book Warehouse, Main Street, Vancouver, BC. Reading 7pm
- March 28, Black Bond Books, Ladner, BC. Reading at 7pm
- March 8, Canadian Authour's Workshop, Alliance for Arts and Culture, Vancouver, BC.
- February 17-19, Galiano Literature Festival, Galiano Island, BC
- February 1 & 6, SFU Harbourside, Vancouver, BC. PUB450, the business of publishing. Guest Speaker
- 2017 Above.
- November 28, 2016, Jewish Book Festival, Vancouver BC. http://www.jewishbookfestival.ca
- November 21 - 26, 2016 Hong Kong at various bookstores.
- November 17 - 20, TATA Literature Live, Mumbai, India.
- October 27, 2016 Friends of White Rock Library, video presentation, WR Library, 7pm. White Rock, BC
- October 3, 2016, Simon Fraser University, Publishing Program, Scott Steedman, private event, Vancouver, BC
- Sept 21 - 25, 2016, WORD Vancouver, LiterAsian Festival, Hapapalozza Festival, http://wordvancouver.ca
- June 21, 2016, The Vancouver Club, Vancouver BC. Members only
- June 7th, 2016, Jewish Genealogical Society, Temple Shalom, 7190 Oak St. Vancouver, BC. Public
- May 20 - 22, Paul & Reisa George host two "Salons" in their home at Gainsville, Florida. By Invitation.
- May 17, 2016, iA Financial Group Atrium at BMO Theatre Centre, 162 West 1st Avenue, Vancouver, BC at 7pm
- May 15, 2016, White Rock/South Surrey, Peninsula Productions Studio, 14600 North Bluff Road, White Rock, (Semiahmoo Arts) at 2pm-4pm
- May 12, 2016, Richmond, BC. Richmond Gateway Theatre, 6500 Gilbert Road, Richmond, BC. 7pm-8pm
- May 7, 2016, Dundas/Hamilton at Shawn & Ed Brewery, 65 Hatt Street, Dundas, ON. 2pm-4pm
- May 4, 2016, Toronto book launch, Ben McNally Books 366 Bay Street, Toronto ON. 6pm - 8pm
- April 10, 2016, White Rock Library, White Rock, BC 2pm
- February 15, 2016 Simon Fraser University, Harbourside, The Business of Publishing
- January 2016: Click here to go to my Goodreads Page
- November 2015: Winner, Short Story Contest White Rock Library.
- October 2015: Simon Fraser. Guest Lecturer: Masters of Publishing Program

Pauline's Diamond. WINNER White Rock & South Surrey Writer's Club Short Story Contest 2016
A Good Morning. WINNER Friends of White Rock Library Creative Writing Contest 2015
If A Mutt Barks. Short story, published in Ricepaper Magazine 2015
A Good Morning. Short story, published in Ricepaper Magazine 2015